Nyan Cat

Nyan Cat, sometimes refer to as Pop Tart Cat, is the new internet meme. It is an 8-bit animation depicting a cat with a body of a strwberry flavor poptart flying through cyberspace, and shi  leaving behind a trail of rainbow. It goes with the MAD soundtrack- Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya.

The original Nyan Cat a  posted on the daily comics site LOL-COMICS by illustrator prguitarman on April 2nd, 2011. The user daniwell loop UTAU synthesized's soundtrack in the background. On April 5th, 2011, YouTuber saraj00n posted Nyan Cat, gaining over one million views in its first two weeks and now approaching five millions. Beginning on April 10th, the Nyan Cat video was picked up by popular blogs and social networking sites including Memebase, Buzzfeed, Tumblr, and Facebook among others.

Cat has always been a favourite in the net community with the spark of lolcats follow by spaghetti cat, long cat, and many others. Nyan cat combines this highly regard topic with others like itself, such as rainbow and the revival of 8bit art and start our new craze. The bizarre idea and the surreal humour has inspired You Tubers and online art communities into creating dozens of fan-arts and coming.

familiar anyone?

http://nyan.cat/ is a site dedicated purely to Nyan Cat where the clip is looped and your time on the page, or how long you nyaned for is logged.

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3D Fog Projection

 The 3D Multi-Viewpoint Fog Projection Display, developed by Osaka University was unveiled at the interaction 2011 event in Japan. This device creates 3D forms that actually takes up space and appearing as if it has a volume. It unitizes a series of projectors encircling the fog machine and project images of an object taken at different angle onto it. The result is as shown above.

The research group from Osaka University hope this new technology will benefit healthcare and entertainment industry. I am not sure about healthcare but this is the revolution to entertainment and communication. The 3D Multi-Viewpoint Fog Projection Display can be sum up in a simple word, hologram. It is  something that frequently appears science fiction and has finally taken root in reality. With more work, this device can debut in movies, video games, or even create holographic monsters for a certain children's card game.

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Rainbow stairs

In the small gap between the two buildings is a flight of stair painted in the in variety of color as if a rainbow. The location is uncertain but it seems to be in a older, less populated downtown street. The simple idea of a rainbow staircase brighten up the sleepy neigborhood. It modernizes the street, giving it flare and a focal point with a minium cost.

Adding colors to this otherwise blanche surrounding no doubt lives it life, but it's resemblance to a rainbow may be what really drawing in the eye of people. According to Wikipedia a rainbow "is an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the Sun shines on to droplets of moisture in the Earth's atmosphere". However, because of myth and fairytales, this phenomenon is often asssociation with magic, wonder, hope, and such. Rainbow is also a reaccuing element in pop culture making it an attraction to a large audience.

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