RGB exhibition

Francesco Rugi and Silvia Quintanilla created RGB, a very special series of wallpapers for Jannelli & Volpi, the famous Italian wallpaper brand. Inspired by a famous Virgil phrase “Color est e pluribus unus” from the poem “Moretum”, describing the blending of colors, they overlap three different images each one in a primary color into one surface. The resulting image becomes bizarre with its colors mix up and the lines and shapes intersects. Through colored lights, of red, green and blue filters, the layer of the opposite color is reveal while hiding the other two. 

The three layer all portrays an animal kingdom but each one has their own specific kingdom giving the piece unity in theme but also great contrast through species, sizes, and color. Without special lighting, the colors contrast and fight over which to be seen yet it is through the blending of the combinations that makes it  aesthetically pleasing. In a sense our world is as the wallpaper portray; it is a strange combination of critters splatted a giant canvas called earth. It doesn't even have to be animals, the layers could be compose of culture or country.   

These works are current shown in the RGB exhibition at Johanssen Gallery at Direktorenhaus, Berlin run through February 10, 2011. Visit http://www.carnovsky.com/index.htm for more detail.

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