The time is 3:13

This image is posted by an anonymous users on a blog i frequently visit showing the time 3:13 on a digital clock. As shown above when the time 3:13 is rotated sideways, a bearded man with a mustache and wearing a crown becomes visable. This anonymous user named it: the king of time. How the user discover this image is also unexplained. He may have stumble upon it while looking at a flipped digital alarm clock/watch or by pure chance.

I find this simple discovery very refreshing. Everybody have seen a digital clock before yet very few has seen it as something other than the time of the day. I feel it is unfortunate that because we are in such a hurry, we fail to notice these interesting little things around us.

On the side note, this image is nostalgic as it remains me of the the days we still use emotioncons like the sideways smiley, :) , rather than animated icons we now use.

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Heat Sensative Wallpaper

Heat sensative paint Shi Yuen has created. The wallpaper alone has a dull traditional floral of green ivy on a beige background However when heat is introduce the green bubs of the ivy will turn pink and eventually bloom into small flowers. At 15 degree, the "plant" will start its growth. At 25 degree, the pink tip wuuld reveal itself and bloom into at flower by 35 degree. At night, when the temperature it cool enough the ink, itself will fade away.

Heat sensitive ink brings the beauty of nature into the comfort of your home. The change in temperature creates movement in the paper as if it is actually alive. People repaint their home every once in a while for a change of mood so would it be much or efficient if the wallpaper will change itself. How great would it be if the walls of your home can be change a frequently as your computer's desktop? However the development of Heat sensitive paint is still developing. It is not widely uses for some fear the chemicals used. Nevertheless this is an intererting idea, and i believe, with time be the stranded for modern homes.

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Up in reality

Disney Pixar's movie UP, tells the tale of Carl Fredricksen, a 78-year-old man sets out to fulfill his lifelong dream to see the wilds of South America. the old man ties balloons to his house and flies away to his dream unfortunately with the company of an 8-year-old stowaway.

When we think about Disney, we think magic and dreams, more often than not, blown out of porportion of reality. Children loves them but as they age they lose the believe for these magical events.

Disney's dream remained as a dream until National Geographic Channel took on this challenge in their program- How Hard It Can Be?. A group of engineers, scientist, and two balloon pilot dedicated themselves on this experiment. On March 5th, a 16 by 16 foot house, hold by 300 8 foot diameter weather balloons to the 18 foot tall roof, took flight reaching an altitude of 10,000 feet before gently returning to earth breaking the the world record for largest flight of balloons in a cluster.

The "UP" house is in no way practical. Most sees it as a Pixar gag or a waste of natural resource but this experiment is signifient as it proof to us, dreams can become reality. It encourage us to strive higher and reach for what we consider as impossible however silly it may be.

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Dr Klaus Lackner, Director of the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy at Columbia University and developer of Treepods, collabrates with ShiftBoston to use this environmental friendly technology in the city. In the central neighborhood of downtown Boston, artificial trees made with recycle plastic are being rooted in. These trees mimics the looks and benefit of being nature’s lung possess by real trees. Each tree works to purify the air, absorbing up to 13 pounds of CO2 gases a year. They are completely self efficient. Treepods takes is shape from the dragon blood tree as it large surface of solar panel absorbs enough energy to convert carbon dioxide into clean air and light up the city streets and night.

 This project is supposed to be a green project, an idea to help protect the environment. So, here is the irony- "MANMADE trees" are being planted in center Boston but not REAL trees. Treepods may purify air but cannot provide food or shelter  for wild animals. They are environmental friendly, to humans only, proven by the bonus feature of city light. Then, is the form it take really necessary if Treepods are only air purifiers. This rises the questions, would we still protect nature if we no longer need it to sustain our way of life? With the advancement of technology, mankind may no longer need to protect nature as we can simply replace it.

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