Disney Pixar's movie UP, tells the tale of Carl Fredricksen, a 78-year-old man sets out to fulfill his lifelong dream to see the wilds of South America. the old man ties balloons to his house and flies away to his dream unfortunately with the company of an 8-year-old stowaway.
When we think about Disney, we think magic and dreams, more often than not, blown out of porportion of reality. Children loves them but as they age they lose the believe for these magical events.
Disney's dream remained as a dream until National Geographic Channel took on this challenge in their program- How Hard It Can Be?. A group of engineers, scientist, and two balloon pilot dedicated themselves on this experiment. On March 5th, a 16 by 16 foot house, hold by 300 8 foot diameter weather balloons to the 18 foot tall roof, took flight reaching an altitude of 10,000 feet before gently returning to earth breaking the the world record for largest flight of balloons in a cluster.
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