The time is 3:13

This image is posted by an anonymous users on a blog i frequently visit showing the time 3:13 on a digital clock. As shown above when the time 3:13 is rotated sideways, a bearded man with a mustache and wearing a crown becomes visable. This anonymous user named it: the king of time. How the user discover this image is also unexplained. He may have stumble upon it while looking at a flipped digital alarm clock/watch or by pure chance.

I find this simple discovery very refreshing. Everybody have seen a digital clock before yet very few has seen it as something other than the time of the day. I feel it is unfortunate that because we are in such a hurry, we fail to notice these interesting little things around us.

On the side note, this image is nostalgic as it remains me of the the days we still use emotioncons like the sideways smiley, :) , rather than animated icons we now use.

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